A4Tech Bloody B820R, LK Optic Blue, CZ_1919381632
A4Tech Bloody B820R, LK Optic Blue, CZ
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Všechny komentáře k produktu:A4Tech Bloody B820R, LK Optic Blue, CZ


It is unbelievable how nobody at CZC can answer if they are selling the blue or red switch version of this keyboard....
If you don´t know, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO, is take a look at one of the boxes of the keyboard at your main warehouse, storage or wherever you keeping them and you will see blue/red on the package! Is that so hard?
I was asking directly at one of the stores here in Brno, but it was like asking for a physics equation and not about a product which is sold by CZC...
What a shame, but typical Czech customer service!

4 reakce
poslední 28. 12. 2017 11:27

unfortunately bodie&doyle are working for ci5 allready...

@NEHARIA: You don´t have nothing better to do than commenting stupid nonsense? You are almost on any question related topic here....
Or are you paid by CZC to embarrass them even more? If so, doing a great job pal!
Nevertheless, as already mention great example of Czech service, business orientation, people approach and so on and so forth.
Czech Republic is welcomed to move to 2018 like the rest of the world, instead of rotting still in communism from 1982 :)

Ověřený GEEK - level 3

@AlmirF: Not so sure your newer post is any better than Neharia ones.
Send them an email, that is the only advice you can get here.
It's CZC, you have to be really patient ... or buy stuff elsewhere. CZC is not the only IT shop in Brno.

Ověřený GEEK - level 2

@AlmirF: http://www.imagehosting.cz/images/vstiekded.png

Nenašli jste, co hledáte?

kód: 225742
A4Tech Bloody B820R, LK Optic Blue, CZ_1919381632
Produkt není určen k prodeji.
A4tech Bloody B820R je herní klávesnice s RGB podsvícením. Inovativní technologie Light Strike snižuje dobu odezvy kláves na 0,2 ms. Odolnost až 100 milionů úderů, technologie LK Sound Creator a LK Optic Blue Switch.
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