Razer Goliathus 2013 Speed (Medium)_264385486
Razer Goliathus 2013 Speed (Medium)
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Všechny komentáře k produktu:Razer Goliathus 2013 Speed (Medium)

Speed/Control? Nebo si radsi priplatit?

Zdravim, Dokazal by nekdo poradit jestli je pro FPS/akcni a War Thunder lepsi zvolit u teto podlozky variantu Speed nebo Control?Pripadne jestli by nekdo nemel zkusenosti se srovnanim teto podlozky s drazsimy (Destructor, Manticore...) - myslim jak kvalitou tak zivotnosti - u teto " latkove" se obavam abych nahodou neznicil 2 drive nez mi odejde jedna plastova/hlinikova za dvojnasobek, ktera navic pocitam bude kvalitnejsi...Pouzivat na tom planuju pro high-end mys Razer Mamba nebo Diamondback - vybiram mezi nima, pokud by nekdo dokazal poradit i v teto veci budu vdecny...
Diky moc za rady/nazory/zkusenosti!

1 reakce
poslední 27. 9. 2016 13:36

The biggest difference between Speed and Control that I've found in terms of performance is that control allows the mouse to detect finer movements, due to the rougher surface. I don't play anything that requires such pinpoint accuracy (I do fine sniping in FPS games even on the speed surface), so my choice comes down to maintenance.The speed surface is smoother and thus catches less dust on the surface. The control surface gets dirtier quicker (at least it feels like it does) and is a bit harder to clean. In the long run, I choose what I can control (i.e. getting used to the speed surface) over what I can't (the dust collecting on the surface over time).

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kód: 137858
Razer Goliathus 2013 Speed (Medium)_264385486
Produkt není určen k prodeji.
Herní podložka pro dosažení maximální rychlosti skluzu, důraz na citlivost, matná povrchová úprava, gumová základna, velikost M, rozměry 355 x 254 x 3 mm.
To je gól! To je gól!